Cristina Ronald's secret motivational reasons for all games.

 Cristina Ronald's motivation for all plays.

Cristina Ronald has been the greatest football player for theses years. He is ranked as the richest sports person in the world by FLM ( Fixed life media) . He has achieved all this not because he had a rich family that could support him in every step or that could invest in him or hire him the best coach. But he has achieved all that by many ways and some of his ways are in this blog article and he is giving you the great step up motivation speech. 

In the beginning I was filling I was different than the other ones. I was more special. I was a special kid. 

There are no secrets, secrets don't not exist secrets is dedication and hard work. To be able to work 100% all the time.

Jorge Mendes ( agent ) “ you don't need to compare Cristina with this or any other plays, Cristina is motivated. He has all ways the motivation. And keep that performance it's very difficult.

Cristina Ronald 

am the best and I work like the best. The talent of course helps alot but of course also the ethic of work. You have to put in your mind, ethic of work when you are professional. So since day one, when I started with a professional, let's day 16, 17, 18 I'm on the ethic to be the best. To train hard, to list to all players, talent and experienced players.

It's not by coincidence, it's because I do it extra outside the pitch. Also most of people told me, “ Cristina, you are very good, talented player, but you are very skinny, slim." And I put in my mind the body can improve, we can improve, we go to gym, dedication and hard work. You can improve, so I improved myself. I'm not doing that kind of work because I have to, it's because, it's part of me. It's not about the money, it's about the passion.

You know, you just look at the way he plays, the way he performs and the way he prepares himself for the big games and then and also the regular games. You know, his a guy who has been consistent for the last 10 years and suppose. And, you know he is an example for all the young players coming up.

Cristina Ronald

All this happens because of a reason, the reason is that am unbelievable inside the pitch, this is why people are having so much interest in me. 

‘Questions to Cristina Ronald': Are you the best football in the world right now?

‘Answer by Cristina Ronald' : In my mind, am always the best. I don't care about the people are thinking, what they say, in mind am always the best. Not just this year, but always. Am always the best. I think the numbers they say everything. I don't need to say, I'm a minister of football, I'm a legend. The numbers say everything for me.

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