6 best tricks of keeping your team motivated in any activity.


Whether you are leading a small team of people or the leader of an organization, your people are your most valuable asset and resource.

When the enthusiasm, expertise, and talents of a motivated group of individuals are combined, you and your team can accomplish the goals and objectives you have set for your business.

A business would not exist without a committed group of people working passionately to grow the business. Thus team motivation is critical to keep your people energized, inspired, and motivated to excel regularly.

To fully maximize team motivation in the workplace, firstly, we must understand the many forms of motivation and how they individually function in a professional setting.

You’ve put a lot of work into building your business. You’ve focused on constant, never-ending improvement to provide more value than anyone else. You’ve mapped out your business plan and created your sales strategy. And you’ve sharpened your recruitment strategies and hired the right people for the job – at least you thought you did. But lately, you’ve been noticing team motivation declining.

 1. Know Your People And Their Talents 

Even the best collaborators need the opportunity to showcase what they bring to the table to strengthen the team. Know your people beyond prior work history and current responsibilities. Understand what makes them feel important. Leverage those talents in new ways to keep them inspired, engaged and performing at a higher level. The entire team will benefit and become motivated to do the same. 

2. Share your vision and set clear goals

You can only motivate and inspire your team if they know what they are working towards. Make sure your employees are aware of your vision and what your ultimate goals are for the business.

This encourages everyone to work together to achieve better results. As well as this, regularly set clear and measurable goals that are framed by this vision so that you and your teams can track progress and they are able to see their success in a tangible way.

Supporting alignment within and across teams cultivates increased productivity and can help employees to feel valued and motivated

3. Remember They’re Individual People

Instead of thinking of those you employ as a group, think of them as individual people. People want to be valued, appreciated and made to feel important. Listen to them and genuinely value them as people first, and you’ll have little problem motivating them to be the best employees they can be. 

4. Be consistent

Yes, you need to treat each employee as an individual and tailor your approach to his or her needs. But don’t reprimand one office assistant for taking too long to process the travel expense forms while allowing another to go days over the deadline on a similar project. No one likes to work for a manager who appears to always turn to their favourites.

5. Ask And Listen

When is the last time someone asked you how you were doing, looked you in the eye and listened with every fiber of their being? If it wasn’t recently, then it probably doesn’t happen. Ask questions like, “What would motivate you to get X project done in X amount of time?” Listen, acknowledge and treat them with care. Their response may surprise you.

6. Break out of comfort zones

Encourage staff members to take on new responsibilities and projects outside of their typical roles. Make sure these assignments are manageable for individuals in terms of difficulty and workload, but also try to make them challenging enough that they help employees build skills and experience. By giving your staff members a chance to try new things, you’ll demonstrate your faith in them and prompt them to perform at a higher level.

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